ITEM Support Materials & Marketing Plan

On this page you will find:

  • Audience Feedback from 2022 Showing (8 samples)
  • Samples of Work
  • Collated support materials for ITEM
  • Marketing plan
  • Artistic Rationale for ITEM


Very powerful, very raw

It was very powerful, very raw. I could relate to a lot of things [in the show]. I have used tubes and tubes of ‘Fair and Lovely’. I was brought up in a traditional home and it was very clear that “there were good women and bad women”. So I was brought up as a “good, decent girl” and it took me many years for me to do things that I really wanted to do. Thank you. [The show] was very emotional.

– Deepa Manuel, Romero Centre

Thank you... as a mum with young daughters

I’m Indian, I grew up with Bollywood, the whole work really resonated with me.  I think it will really resonate with a lot of people around that sort of mixed messaging that you get as a young woman, and as you grow up and … feel more confident about who you are, you start to question the things that have been ingrained… I just wanted to say thank you, I thought it was really great. I loved [and recognised] all the music! …  As a mum with young daughters, [pop culture messaging] is something I’m really thinking about at the moment.

I have a lot of ethnic friends … I think you’ll find a lot of people who will relate to this [show] of different backgrounds

– Dr Mellissa Naidoo,  Board Director of MetroArts & Multicultural Australia

dance & projections built a world

I’m Indian, but a “bad Indian”. So I never really grew up with Bollywood or watching Bollywood. I really loved your mix of involving the audience in learning the phrases and the dances; and the [projections] … with subtitles really helped build a world, which I thought was really cool.

– Sammie D Williams, Dancer/Artist/Dramaturg/Educator

I felt really empowered

The [Nachnewali Monologue] that you read out, I felt really empowered with that. For us, in this generation, coming from an Asian country… I felt that way too. I felt empowered [by] you telling us that [the disrespect] needs to be stopped … in our industry. I can still remember [the] words that you said. When we go out [of] here … we can relay that message by [seeing] this show. So thank you for that.

– Sugar Grefaldeo, NUDO Dance/Hiraya Dance

brought up very Catholic, there are a lot of parallels

Not being indian but brought up very Catholic, there are a lot of parallels as well. I think there are a lot of those parallels that many of us would see in different cultures and different aspects of society too.

– Jo Thomas, Director of MetroArts

the juxtaposition was a good confusion to be in

I felt guilty for enjoying it when you did all your dancing and singing, and then looking at what it [meant on the projection]. Oh my god! But it’s so joyful! So it’s nice to see that juxtaposition between “Oh my god, I’m loving what you’re doing” but I’m listening and seeing what it [means], it’s a good confusion to be in.

– Linden Tierney, Head of Philanthropy and Fundraising at MetroArts

I love the goofy boys and they're morons

I love how … we have the goofy boys [the drag characters of the Assitant Directors]… and they’re morons. But they have this sense of entitlement and ownership of everything around them but it’s [framed] by them just being f**king idiots. If we can move that forward more, that would be good. As a man who dates men… A lot of men can be idiots. But no matter how stupid they are, they feel they own everything.

– Jordan Poitras, Bring a Plate Dance

Can you be a feminist and love bollywood?

I really enjoyed when the four of you were questioning “can you be a feminist and love Bollywood”. And I loved when you started to dissect the songs and the movements and you started going “uh… and uh [oh]”… Born and brought up Catholic [I related]

– Nerida Waters, Director of Common People Dance Project